Jack (Montgomery Baxter) Chapman is a British multi-disciplinary director working across documentary, narrative and commercials. Named after two Sunderland football players, Jack was brought up and worked in and around sport before becoming a self-taught filmmaker. His work often uses this arena to focus on the human condition, encouraging introspection and reflection.
Jack’s debut film was acquired by Sky Sport & Three (NZ). His ode to the pandemic ‘Lost Time’ (UK) won several awards, and he has just completed post on his first feature film ‘Honest Without Fear’ (GER) - the short doc was awarded feature funding by the Hessen Film Commission and is produced by 4ReelDocs (GER).
Get in touch jack@montybaxter.com
No.25 Baker Street | Short Film (2025) UK
Honest Without Fear | Feature Documentary (2024) Germany
Unjust Stop | Short Film (2024)
Lost Time | Short Documentary (2022) UK
Honest Without Fear | Short Documentary (2021) Germany
To The Line | TV Documentary (2020) New Zealand